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7.0.1 (2024-10-22)

7.0.0 (2024-10-21)

  • Enable dynamic definition of Asset reader in MultiBaseReader (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!711, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!728)

  • Adding default_assets for MultiBaseReader and STACReader (author @mccarthyryanc, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!722)

  • Adding default_bands for MultiBandReader (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!722)

  • Adding support for the STAC Projection extension to derive the bounds, crs, minzoom and maxzoom properties breaking change

  • Refactor internal function and base classes for the minzoom/maxzoom calculation breaking change

  • Adding transform, height and width attributes (outside init) for SpatialMixin class

  • Moved _dst_geom_in_tms_crs from Reader to SpatialMixin class breaking change

  • Removed use of rasterio's is_tiled method

  • Enable Alternate asset's HREF for STAC by using RIO_TILER_STAC_ALTERNATE_KEY environment variable

  • Adding support for GDAL VRT Connection string for STAC Assets

  • Improve type hint definition

  • make ImageData.rescale and ImageData.apply_color_formula to return self

  • add support for .json colormap files

  • do no lowercase colormap name in ColorMaps.get method breaking change

    from rio_tiler.colormap import cmap
    # before
    assert cmap.get("Viridis")
    # now
    assert cmap.get("Viridis")
    >> InvalidColorMapName: Invalid colormap name: Viridis
  • removed geographic_crs attribute in SpatialMixin class breaking change

  • removed geographic_bounds property in SpatialMixin class breaking change

  • add get_geographic_bounds(crs: CRS) method in SpatialMixin class

    from import CRS
    from import Reader
    # before
    with Reader("cog.tif", geographic_crs=CRS.from_epsg(4326)) as src:
        bounds = src.geographic_bounds
    # now
    with Reader("cog.tif") as src:
        bounds = src.get_geographic_bounds(CRS.from_epsg(4326))
  • replace geographic bounds with dataset bounds in method's response breaking change

    from import Reader
    # before
    with Reader("cog.tif") as src:
        assert src.geographic_bounds ==
    # now
    with Reader("cog.tif") as src:
        assert src.bounds ==
  • add crs: str property in Info model

  • remove minzoom and maxzoom properties in Info model breaking change

  • update morecantile dependency to allow 6.x version

  • remove deprecated method and attributes

  • round xarray dataset's bounds to avoid precision errors when checking for valid geographic bounding box

  • fix bounds type information

6.7.0 (2024-09-05)

  • raise MissingCRS or InvalidGeographicBounds errors when Xarray datasets have wrong geographic metadata
  • better error message for TileOutsideBounds errors (author @abarciauskas-bgse, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!712)
  • handle of inverted latitude in reader.point (author @georgespill, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!716)

6.6.1 (2024-05-17)

6.6.0 (2024-05-16)

  • fix type hint for ImageData.band_names (author @n8sty, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!704)
  • enable per-band scale/offset rescaling (co-author @jddeal, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!707)
  • replace scale and offset by scales and offsets in rio_tiler.models.Info model

    # before
    with Reader("tests/fixtures/cog_scale.tif") as src:
        info =
        print(info.scale, info.offset)
    >> 0.0001 1000.0
    # now
    with Reader("tests/fixtures/cog_scale.tif") as src:
        info =
        print(info.scales, info.offsets)
    >> [0.0001, 0.001] [1000.0, 2000.0]

6.5.0 (2024-05-03)

  • Revert #648 and refactor get_vrt_transform method to better handle over-zooming a dataset

6.4.7 (2024-04-17)

  • Better handle dataset with inverted origin
  • make sure datatype is forwarded to the WarpedVRT

6.4.6 (2024-04-09)

6.4.5 (2024-04-05)

  • add python 3.12 official support
  • change code formatter to ruff-format

6.4.4 (2024-04-02)

6.4.3 (2024-03-22)

6.4.2 (2024-03-22)

6.4.1 (2024-02-19)

6.4.0 (2024-01-24)

  • deprecate resampling_method in method and add reproject_method (to match the options)

    # before
    with XarrayReader(data) as dst:
        img = dst.tile(0, 0, 1, resampling_method="cubic")
    # now
    with XarrayReader(data) as dst:
        img_cubic = dst.tile(0, 0, 1, reproject_method="cubic")

6.3.1 (2024-01-22)

  • When overriding nodata, do not mix mask and only use the provided nodata value

6.3.0 (2024-01-16)

  • do not use warpedVRT when overwriting the dataset nodata value

  • add align_bounds_with_dataset option in rio_tiler.reader.part to align input bounds with the dataset resolution

6.2.10 (2024-01-08)

  • remove default Endpoint URL in AWS S3 Client for STAC Reader

6.2.9 (2023-12-21)

  • fix AWS endpoint credential for STAC fetch function, using same defaults as GDAL vsis3 configuration

6.2.8 (2023-12-11)

  • apply discrete colormap when the provided colormap does not have 256 values

6.2.7 (2023-11-29)

  • Adjusting dataset latitude for WarpedVRT parameters calculation when EPSG:4326 dataset latitudes overflows EPSG:3857 min/max latitude (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!660)

6.2.6 (2023-11-10)

  • validate shape in ImageData.get_coverage_array to avoid rasterio error when re-projecting the geometry

6.2.5 (2023-11-06)

  • avoid indexes collision in MultiBaseReader

6.2.4 (2023-10-19)

6.2.3.post1 (2023-11-16)

  • validate shape in ImageData.get_coverage_array to avoid rasterio error when re-projecting the geometry [Backported from 6.2.6]
  • avoid indexes collision in MultiBaseReader [Backported from 6.2.5]

This release was made while we waited on a fix for cogeotiff/rio-tiler#654

6.2.3 (2023-10-11)

  • in STACReader use href if get_absolute_href() returns None

6.2.2 (2023-10-05)

  • add list of assets in InvalidAssetName message in STACReader

6.2.1 (2023-09-28)

  • allow GeoJSON Feature in ImageData.get_coverage_array method

6.2.0 (2023-09-27)

  • allow area-weighted statistics by adding coverage option in rio_tiler.utils.get_array_statistics

    # Data Array
    # 1, 2
    # 3, 4
    data =, 2, 3, 4)).reshape((1, 2, 2))
    # Coverage Array
    # 0.5, 0
    # 1, 0.25
    coverage = numpy.array((0.5, 0, 1, 0.25)).reshape((2, 2))
    stats = utils.get_array_statistics(data, coverage=coverage)
    assert len(stats) == 1
    assert stats[0]["min"] == 1
    assert stats[0]["max"] == 4
    assert stats[0]["mean"] == 1.125  # (1 * 0.5 + 2 * 0.0 + 3 * 1.0 + 4 * 0.25) / 4
    assert stats[0]["count"] == 1.75  # (0.5 + 0 + 1 + 0.25) sum of the coverage array
    stats = utils.get_array_statistics(data)
    assert len(stats) == 1
    assert stats[0]["min"] == 1
    assert stats[0]["max"] == 4
    assert stats[0]["mean"] == 2.5
    assert stats[0]["count"] == 4
  • add rio_tiler.utils.get_coverage_array method to create a coverage % array

  • add cmocean colormaps

  • allow uppercase in cmap.get method

    from rio_tiler.colormap import cmap
    # Before
    cm = cmap.get("greys")
    # Now
    cm = cmap.get("Greys")

6.1.0 (2023-09-15)

  • add width, height and count properties in MosaicMethodBase
  • make sure we mosaic ImageData/PointData with same number of bands
  • resize ImageData.array to the first asset's width/height in mosaic_reader

6.0.3 (2023-09-13)

6.0.2 (2023-08-21)

6.0.1 (2023-07-25)

  • fix key access for Info and BandStatistics models for extra attributes
  • update deprecation notice to 7.0

6.0.0 (2023-07-25)

  • update morecantile requirement to >=5.0,<6.0
  • delete rio_tiler.models.NodataTypes (replaced with Literal within the Info model)

5.0.3 (2023-07-18)

  • Filter useless NotGeoreferencedWarning warnings in Reader.feature() and ImageData.from_bytes() methods
  • Ensure that dataset is still open when reading tags (author @JackDunnNZ, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!628)

5.0.2 (2023-07-11)

  • fix ImageData.apply_color_formula() method

5.0.1 (2023-06-22)

  • raise InvalidExpression when passing invalid asset or band in an expression

5.0.0 (2023-06-01)

  • Fix potential issue when getting statistics for non-valid data

  • add rio-tiler.mosaic.methods.PixelSelectionMethod enums with all defaults methods

  • Add rio-tiler.utils._validate_shape_input function to check geojson feature inputs

  • Change cutline handling in the method. Feature cutlines are now rasterized into numpy arrays and applied as masks instead of using the cutline vrt_option. These masks are tracked in the rio-tiler.models.ImageData.cutline_mask attribute, which are used in rio-tiler.mosaic.methods.base.MosaicMethodBase to stop mosaic building as soon as all pixels in a feature are populated

  • Fix missing nodata/alpha/mask forwarding for dataset with internal GCPS

  • in, add auto_expand options to avoid returning 1D array (incompatible with rio-tiler) (author @abarciauskas-bgse, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!608)

  • handle internal and user provided nodata values in to create mask

  • add AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, AWS_PROFILE and AWS_REGION environnement overrides for function

breaking changes

  • remove support for non-binary mask values (e.g non-binary alpha bands, ref: rasterio/rasterio#1721)

  • switch from PER-DATASET to PER-BAND mask (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!580)

    # before
    with COGReader("cog.tif") as src:
        img = src.preview(width=128, height=128, max_size=None)
        assert == (3, 128, 128)
        assert img.mask.shape == (128, 128)
    # now
    with COGReader("cog.tif") as src:
        img = src.preview(width=128, height=128, max_size=None)
        assert isinstance(img.array,
        assert == (3, 128, 128)
        assert img.array.mask.shape == (3, 128, 128))
  • use numpy masked array in ImageData and PointData to store the data

    # before
    arr = numpy.zeros((1, 256, 256), dtype="uint16")
    img = ImageData(arr)
    assert isintance(, numpy.ndarray)  # Attribute
    # now
    arr = numpy.zeros((1, 256, 256), dtype="uint16")
    img = ImageData(arr)
    assert isintance(img.array,  # Attribute
    assert isintance(, numpy.ndarray)  # property
    assert isintance(img.mask, numpy.ndarray)  # property
  • remove ImageData.from_array method (because we now support MaskedArray directly)

  • rio_tiler.expression.apply_expression input/output type change to

  • rio-tiler mosaic methods return

  • reader's post_process should be a Callable with input/output

  • add reproject_method option in rio_tiler.reader's method to select the resampling method used during reprojection

    # before
    with Reader("cog.tif") as src:
        im = src.preview(
            resampling_method="bilinear",  # use `bilinear` for both resizing and reprojection
    # now
    with Reader("cog.tif") as src:
        im = src.preview(
            resampling_method="cubic",  # use `cubic` for resizing
            reproject_method="bilinear",  # use `bilinear` for reprojection
  • refactored the MosaicMethodBase to use python's dataclass

  • changed variable names in MosaicMethodBase (tile -> mosaic)

  • rio_tiler.mosaic.methods.defaults.LastBandHigh renamed LastBandHighMethod

  • rio_tiler.mosaic.methods.defaults.LastBandLow renamed LastBandLowMethod

  • move aws_get_object from rio_tiler.utils to

  • make boto3 an optional dependency (python -m pip install rio-tiler["s3"])

  • update morecantile dependency to >=4.0

  • add metadata in ImageData/PointData from rasterio dataset tags

  • forward statistics from the raster STAC extension to the ImageData object

    with STACReader(STAC_RASTER_PATH) as stac:
        info = stac._get_asset_info("green")
        assert info["dataset_statistics"] == [(6883, 62785)]
        assert info["metadata"]
        assert "raster:bands" in info["metadata"]
        img = stac.preview(assets=("green", "red"))
        assert img.dataset_statistics == [(6883, 62785), (6101, 65035)]
        assert img.metadata["green"]  # extra_fields from the STAC assets (e.g `"raster:bands"`)
        assert img.metadata["red"]
  • add Deprecation warning for ImageData.from_array, ImageData.as_masked, PointData.as_masked methods

4.1.13 (2023-06-22)

  • raise InvalidExpression when passing invalid asset or band in an expression (Backported from 5.0.1)

4.1.12 (2023-06-16)

  • fix issue with rio_tiler.utils.get_array_statistics when passing data with no valid value

4.1.11 (2023-05-18)

  • in, add auto_expand options to avoid returning 1D array (incompatible with rio-tiler) (author @abarciauskas-bgse, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!608)

4.1.10 (2023-03-24)

4.1.9 (2023-02-28)

  • Automatically expand 2D numpy array to 3D when creating ImageData

4.1.8 (2023-02-15)

  • Fix dtype issue when working with Mosaics Methods. Mask should always been of type Uint8.
  • Fix ImageData.from_array method when working with Masked array

4.1.7 (2023-02-07)

  • add from_array and from_bytes ImageData creation methods
  • add statistics method to ImageData

4.1.6 (2023-01-18)

  • add apply_colormap method to the ImageData class
  • fix potential datatype overflow when calculating the intersection of mask and alpha band when using Colormap

4.1.5 (2022-12-20)

  • Fix inverted col/row check when doing window read of a non WarpedVRT dataset

4.1.4 (2022-12-16)

  • add rio_tiler.mosaic.mosaic_point_reader function to create Point value from multiple observation
    def reader(asset: str, *args, **kwargs) -> PointData:
        with Reader(asset) as src:
            return src.point(*args, **kwargs)
    pt: PointData = mosaic_point_reader(["cog.tif", "cog2.tif"], reader, 0, 0)

4.1.3 (2022-12-15)

  • fix invalid definition of PointData.mask when mask is not provided. Makes sure it's a one element array.

4.1.2 (2022-12-15)

  • raise InvalidPointDataError error when trying to create PointData from an empty list in PointData.create_from_list

4.1.1 (2022-12-12)

  • fix invalid coordinates slicing for XArrayReader.point() method (author @benjaminleighton, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!559)

4.1.0 (2022-11-24)

  • add asset_as_band option in MultiBaseReader tile, part, preview, feature and point methods
with STACReader(STAC_PATH) as stac:
    img = stac.tile(71, 102, 8, assets="green")
    assert img.band_names == ["green_b1"]

with STACReader(STAC_PATH) as stac:
    img = stac.tile(71, 102, 8, assets="green", asset_as_band=True)
    assert img.band_names == ["green"]

# For expression, without `asset_as_band` tag, users have to pass `_b{n}` suffix to indicate the band index
with STACReader(STAC_PATH) as stac:
    img = stac.tile(71, 102, 8, expression="green_b1/red_b1")
    assert img.band_names == ["green_b1/red_b1"]

with STACReader(STAC_PATH) as stac:
    img = stac.tile(71, 102, 8, expression="green/red", asset_as_band=True)
    assert img.band_names == ["green/red"]

4.0.0 (2022-11-21)

  • remove deprecated code
  • asset_expression in MultiBaseReader
  • GCPCOGReader

4.0.0a2 (2022-11-15)

  • use of file:header_size extension in STACReader to set GDAL_INGESTED_BYTES_AT_OPEN environment variable

breaking changes

  • renamed MultiBaseReader._get_asset_url to MultiBaseReader._get_asset_info and change the output to return a dictionary in form of {"url": ..., "env": ...}

4.0.0a1 (2022-11-10)

  • assign ColorInterp.alpha to rendered image when we add the mask band
  • add .clip(bbox: BBox) and .resize(height: int, width: int) methods to ImageData object
  • add python 3.11 support
  • replace rio-color by color-operations module

4.0.0a0 (2022-10-20)

  • add python 3.10 support
  • add apply_expression method in rio_tiler.models.ImageData class
  • update to avoid using WarpedVRT when no reprojection or nodata override is needed
  • add to work either with Non-geo or Geo images in a Non-geo manner (a.k.a: in the pixel coordinates system)

    with ImageReader("image.jpg") as src:
        im = src.part((0, 100, 100, 0))
    with ImageReader("image.jpg") as src:
        im = src.tile(0, 0, src.maxzoom)
    >>> BoundingBox(left=0.0, bottom=256.0, right=256.0, top=0.0)

  • add to work with xarray.DataArray

    import xarray
    from import XarrayReader
    with xarray.open_dataset(
    ) as src:
        ds = src["analysed_sst"][:1]"epsg:4326", inplace=True)
        with XarrayReader(ds) as dst:
            img = dst.tile(1, 1, 2)
    note: xarray and rioxarray optional dependencies are needed for the reader

breaking changes

  • remove python 3.7 support
  • update rasterio requirement to >=1.3 to allow python 3.10 support
  • rename to
  • rename COGReader to Reader. We added alias to backwards compatibility

    # before
    from import COGReader
    from import COGReader
    # now
    from import Reader
    from import Reader

  •, rio_tiler.readers.part(), rio_tiler.readers.preview() now return a ImageData object

  • remove minzoom and maxzoom attribute in base class
  • remove minzoom and maxzoom attribute in (now defined as properties)
  • use b prefix for band names in rio_tiler.models.ImageData class (and in rio-tiler's readers)

    # before
    with COGReader("cog.tif") as cog:
        img =
        >>> ["1", "2", "3"]
        >>> [("1", {}), ("2", {}), ("3", {})]
        >>> [("1", ""), ("2", ""), ("3", "")]
        >>> ["1", "2", "3"]
    # now
    with Reader("cog.tif") as cog:
        img =
        >>> ["b1", "b2", "b3"]
        >>> [("b1", {}), ("b2", {}), ("b3", {})]
        >>> [("b1", ""), ("b2", ""), ("b3", "")]
        >>> ["b1", "b2", "b3"]
    with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
        print(stac.tile(701, 102, 8, assets=("green", "red")).band_names)
        >>> ["green_b1", "red_b1"]

  • depreciate asset_expression in MultiBaseReader. Use of expression is now possible

  • expression for MultiBaseReader must be in form of {asset}_b{index}

    # before
    with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
        stac.tile(701, 102, 8, expression="green/red")
    # now
    with STACReader("stac.json") as stac:
        stac.tile(701, 102, 8, expression="green_b1/red_b1")
  • rio_tiler.reader.point() (and all Reader's point methods) now return a rio_tiler.models.PointData object

    # before
    with"cog.tif") as src::
        v = rio_tiler.reader.point(10.20, -42.0)
        >>> [0, 0, 0]
    with COGReader("cog.tif") as cog:
        print(cog.point(10.20, -42.0))
        >>> [0, 0, 0]
    # now
    with"cog.tif") as src::
        v = rio_tiler.reader.point(src, (10.20, -42))
        >>> PointData(
            data=array([3744], dtype=uint16),
            mask=array([255], dtype=uint8),
            coordinates=(10.20, -42),
    with Reader("cog.tif") as cog:
        print(cog.point(10.20, -42.0))
        >>> PointData(
            data=array([3744], dtype=uint16),
            mask=array([255], dtype=uint8),
            coordinates=(10.20, -42),
  • deleted rio_tiler.reader.preview function and updated to allow width/height/max_size options

  • reordered keyword options in all rio_tiler.reader function for consistency
  • removed AlphaBandWarning warning when automatically excluding alpha band from data
  • remove nodata, unscale, resampling_method, vrt_options and post_process options to Reader init method and replaced with options
    # before
    with COGReader("cog.tif", nodata=1, resampling_method="bilinear") as cog:
        data = cog.preview()
    # now
    with Reader(COGEO, options={"nodata": 1, "resampling_method": "bilinear"}) as cog:
        data = cog.preview()

3.1.6 (2022-07-22)

  • Hide NotGeoreferencedWarning warnings in utils.render and utils.resize_array
  • update MultiBaseReader and MultiBandReader points method to prepare for numpy changes.

3.1.5 (2022-07-06)

  • Deprecate and allow GPCS dataset to be opened by
# before
with GCPCOGReader("my.tif") as cog:

# now, COGReader will find the gcps and create an internal WarpedVRT using the gpcs and crs
with COGReader("my.tif") as cog:
  • add ImageData.rescale to rescale the array in place
  • add ImageData.apply_color_formula to apply color formula in place

3.1.4 (2022-04-14)

3.1.3 (2022-04-08)

3.1.2 (2022-03-25)

3.1.1 (2022-03-17)

3.1.0 (2022-02-21)

  • add support for setting the S3 endpoint url scheme via the AWS_HTTPS environment variables in aws_get_object function using boto3 (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!476)
  • Add semicolon ; support for multi-blocks expression (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!479)
  • add rio_tiler.expression.get_expression_blocks method to split expression (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!479)
  • add merged_statistics method for MultiBaseReader to get statistics using between assets expression (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!478)

future deprecation

  • using a comma , in an expression to define multiple blocks will be replaced by semicolon ;
# before
expression = "b1+b2,b2"

# new
expression = "b1+b2;b2"

breaking changes

  • update morecantile requirement to >=3.1,<4.0. WebMercatorQuad TMS is now aligned with GDAL and Mercantile TMS definition.

3.0.3 (2022-01-18)

3.0.2 (2022-01-03)

  • switch from functools.lru_cache to cachetools.LRUCache to allow unashable options in function (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!471)

3.0.1 (2021-12-03)

3.0.0 (2021-11-29)

  • no change since 3.0.0a6

3.0.0a6 (2021-11-22)

breaking changes

  • update MultiBaseReader and MultiBandReader to be their own abstract classes instead of being subclass of BaseReader.
  • put reader attribute outside of the __init__ method for MultiBaseReader and MultiBandReader.

3.0.0a5 (2021-11-18)

3.0.0a4 (2021-11-10)

  • refactor SpatialMixin.tile_exists to compare the bounds in the dataset's coordinate system to avoid coordinates overflow (a TMS CRS bounds can be smaller than the dataset CRS bounds) (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!455)

3.0.0a3 (2021-11-03)

  • Reader's info and statistics methods to default to available bands or assets if not provided (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!451)

3.0.0a2 (2021-10-21)

  • Allow rio_tiler.utils.get_array_statistics to return 0 for unfound category, instead of raising an error (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!443)

3.0.0a1 (2021-10-20)

breaking changes

  • add input in BaseReader class definition to avoid type mismatch (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!450)

    Note: input replaces filepath attribute in STACReader and COGReader.


    • rio_tiler.models.ImageStatistics model

3.0.0a0 (2021-10-19)

from import COGReader

with COGReader("") as cog:
    >> (373185.0, 8019284.949381611, 639014.9492102272, 8286015.0)

    >> "EPSG:32621"

    >> (-61.28762442711404, 72.22979795551834, -52.301598718454485, 74.66298001264106)
  • Allow errors to be ignored when trying to find zooms for dataset in If we're not able to find the zooms in selected TMS, COGReader will defaults to the min/max zooms of the TMS (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!429)
from pyproj import CRS
from morecantile import TileMatrixSet

from import COGReader

# For a non-earth dataset there is no available transformation from its own CRS and the default WebMercator TMS CRS.
with COGReader("") as cog:
    >> UserWarning: Cannot determine min/max zoom based on dataset information, will default to TMS min/max zoom.

    >> 0

    >> 24

# if we use a `compatible TMS` then we don't get warnings
europa_crs = CRS.from_authority("ESRI", 104915)
europa_tms = TileMatrixSet.custom(
    matrix_scale=[2, 1],
with COGReader(
) as cog:
    >> 4

    >> 6
  • compare dataset bounds and tile bounds in TMS crs in method to allow dataset and TMS not compatible with WGS84 crs (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!429)
  • use httpx package instead of requests (author @rodrigoalmeida94, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!431)
  • allow half pixel tile_buffer around the tile (e.g 0.5 -> 257x257, 1.5 -> 259x259) (author @bstadlbauer, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!405)
  • add support for intervals colormap (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!439))
from rio_tiler.colormap import apply_cmap, apply_intervals_cmap

data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, size=(1, 256, 256))
cmap = [
    # ([min, max], [r, g, b, a])
    ([0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]),
    ([1, 10], [255, 255, 255, 255]),
    ([10, 100], [255, 0, 0, 255]),
    ([100, 256], [255, 255, 0, 255]),

data, mask = apply_intervals_cmap(data, cmap)
# or
data, mask = apply_cmap(data, cmap)

breaking changes

  • update morecantile requirement to version >=3.0 (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!418)
  • remove python 3.6 support (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!418)
  • remove max_size defaults for COGReader.part and COGReader.feature, which will now default to full resolution reading.
# before
with COGReader("my.tif") as cog:
    img = cog.part(*cog.dataset.bounds,,
    # by default image should be max 1024x1024
    assert max(img.width, 1024) # by default image should be max 1024x1024
    assert max(img.height, 1024)

# now (there is no more max_size default)
with COGReader("my.tif") as cog:
    img = cog.part(*cog.dataset.bounds,,
    assert img.width == cog.dataset.width
    assert img.height == cog.dataset.height
# before
with COGReader("my.tif") as cog:
    >>> (-61.287001876638215, 15.537756794450583, -61.27877967704677, 15.542486503997608)

# now
with COGReader("my.tif") as cog:
    >>> (683715.3266400001, 1718548.5702, 684593.2680000002, 1719064.90736)

    >>> EPSG:32620

    >>> (-61.287001876638215, 15.537756794450583, -61.27877967704677, 15.542486503997608)
# before
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        asset_expression="b1*2",  # expression was applied to each asset

# now
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        asset_expression={"data1": "b1*2", "data2": "b2*100"},  # we can now pass per asset expression
# before
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        indexes=(1,),  # indexes was applied to each asset

# now
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        asset_indexes={"data1": 1, "data2": 2},  # we can now pass per asset indexes


2.1.3 (2021-09-14)

2.1.2 (2021-08-10)

2.1.1 (2021-07-29)

  • add support for setting the S3 endpoint url via the AWS_S3_ENDPOINT environment variables in aws_get_object function using boto3 (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!394)
  • make ImageStatistics.valid_percent a value between 0 and 100 (instead of 0 and 1) (author @param-thakker, cogeotiff/rio-tiler!400)
  • add fetch_options to STACReader to allow custom configuration to the fetch client (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!404)

    with STACReader("s3://...", fetch_options={"request_pays": True}):
  • Fix alpha band values when storing Uint16 data in PNG. (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!407)

2.1.0 (2021-05-17)

  • add auto-rescaling in ImageData.render method to avoid error when datatype is not supported by the output driver (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!391)
# before - exit with error
with open("img.png", "wb") as f:
    f.write(ImageData(numpy.zeros((3, 256, 256), dtype="float32")).render())
>>> (ERROR) CPLE_NotSupportedError: "PNG driver doesn't support data type Float32. Only eight bit (Byte) and sixteen bit (UInt16) bands supported".

# now - print a warning
with open("img.png", "wb") as f:
    f.write(ImageData(numpy.zeros((3, 256, 256), dtype="float32")).render())
>>> (WARNING) InvalidDatatypeWarning: "Invalid type: `float32` for the `PNG` driver. Data will be rescaled using min/max type bounds".

breaking changes

  • change type of in_range option in ImageData.render to Sequence[Tuple[NumType, NumType]] (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!391)
img = ImageData(numpy.zeros((3, 256, 256), dtype="uint16"))

# before - Tuple[NumType, NumType]
buff = img.render(in_range=(0, 1000, 0, 1000, 0, 1000))

# now - Sequence[Tuple[NumType, NumType]]
buff = img.render(in_range=((0, 1000), (0, 1000), (0, 1000)))

2.0.8 (2021-04-26)

2.0.7 (2021-04-01)

2.0.6 (2021-03-25)

2.0.5 (2021-03-17)

from rio_tiler.profiles import img_profiles

jpeg = img_profiles.get("jpeg")
jpg = img_profiles.get("jpg")
assert jpeg == jpg

2.0.4 (2021-03-09)

2.0.3 (2021-02-19)

  • Reduce the number of .read() calls for dataset without nodata value (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!355)
  • replace deprecated numpy.float by numpy.float64

2.0.2 (2021-02-17)

2.0.1 (2021-02-04)

  • fix arguments names conflicts between mosaic_reader/tasks and STACReader options (cogeotiff/rio-tiler!343)
  • update rio-tiler pypi description.

2.0.0 (2021-01-27)

  • add MultiPolygon support in rio_tiler.utils.create_cutline (cogeotiff/rio-tiler#323)
  • support discrete colormap by default in apply_cmap (cogeotiff/rio-tiler#321)
  • delete deprecated rio_tiler.mercator submodule
  • added default factory in rio_tiler.colormap.ColorMaps.
  • fix missing metadata forwarding in ImageData.post_process method.
  • refactor for better inheritance from COGReader.

breaking change

  • renamed input parameter tile to data in rio_tiler.utils.render.
  • renamed input parameter arr to data in rio_tiler.utils.mapzen_elevation_rgb
  • made private (renamed to _to_pystac_item)
  • renamed rio_tiler.colormap.DEFAULTS_CMAPS to rio_tiler.colormap.DEFAULT_CMAPS_FILES
  • made rio_tiler.reader._read public (renamed to (ref: cogeotiff/rio-tiler#332)

2.0.0rc4 (2020-12-18)

  • add NPZ output format (cogeotiff/rio-tiler#308)
  • add pystac for STAC item reader (author @emmanuelmathot, cogeotiff/rio-tiler#212)
  • delete deprecated function: rio_tiler.reader.tile, rio_tiler.utils.tile_exits and rio_tiler.utils.geotiff_options
  • deprecated rio_tiler.mercator submodule (cogeotiff/rio-tiler#315)
  • update morecantile version to 2.1, which has better tms.zoom_for_res definition.

2.0.0rc3 (2020-11-24)

2.0.0rc2 (2020-11-17)

  • add data validation in rio_tiler.models.ImageData model. Data MUST be a 3 dimensions array in form of (count, height, width).
  • mask is now optional for rio_tiler.models.ImageData model, but will be initialized to a default full valid (255) array.
import numpy
from rio_tiler.models import ImageData

data = numpy.random.rand(3, 10, 10)

img = ImageData(data)
assert img.mask.all()
  • add metadata property to rio_tiler.models.ImageData model
>>> {}

breaking change

  • rio_tiler.mosaic.reader.mosaic_reader now raises EmptyMosaicError instead of returning an empty ImageData

2.0.0rc1.post1 (2020-11-12)

2.0.0rc1 (2020-11-09)

  • added ImageData output class for all classes returning numpy array-like types (tile, mask = method())

from import COGReader
from rio_tiler.models import ImageData

with COGReader("/Users/vincentsarago/S-2_20200422_COG.tif") as cog:
    r = cog.preview()
    assert isinstance(r, ImageData)

    data, mask = r
    assert data.shape == (3, 892, 1024)
Note: the class keeps the compatibility with previous notation: tile, mask = ImageData

  • add pydantic models for IO outputs (Metadata, Info, ...)

  • change output form for band_metadata, band_descriptions and do not add band description when not found.

    # Before
    with COGReader("/Users/vincentsarago/S-2_20200422_COG.tif") as cog:
        i =
    [(1, {}), (2, {}), (2, {})]
    [(1, 'band1'), (2, 'band2'), (2, 'band3')]
    # Now
    with COGReader("/Users/vincentsarago/S-2_20200422_COG.tif") as cog:
        i =
    [('1', {}), ('2', {}), ('3', {})]
    [('1', ''), ('2', ''), ('3', '')]

  • change output form for stats

    # Before
    with COGReader("/Users/vincentsarago/S-2_20200422_COG.tif") as cog:
        1: {...},
        2: {...},
        3: {...}
    # Now
    with COGReader("/Users/vincentsarago/S-2_20200422_COG.tif") as cog:
        "1": {...},
        "2": {...},
        "3": {...}

  • updated rio_tiler.utils._stats function to replace pc by percentiles

with COGReader("/Users/vincentsarago/S-2_20200422_COG.tif") as cog:
{"percentiles": [19.0, 168.0], "min": 0.0, "max": 255.0, ...}
  • make rio_tiler.colormap.ColorMap object immutable. Registering a new colormap will new returns a now instance of ColorMap(cogeotiff/rio-tiler#289).
  • changed the rio_tiler.colormap.ColorMap.register() method to take a dictionary as input (instead of name + dict).
from rio_tiler.colormap import cmap # default cmap

# previous
cmap.register("acmap", {0: [0, 0, 0, 0], ...})

# Now
cmap = cmap.register({"acmap": {0: [0, 0, 0, 0], ...}})
  • added the possibility to automatically register colormaps stored as .npy file in a directory, if COLORMAP_DIRECTORY environment variable is set with the name of the directory.

  • Update to morecantile 2.0.0

2.0.0b19 (2020-10-26)

2.0.0b18 (2020-10-22)

2.0.0b17 (2020-10-13)

  • switch to morecantile for TMS definition (ref: cogeotiff/rio-tiler#283)
  • add tms options in Readers (breaking change if you create custom Reader from BaseReader)
  • add tile_bounds vs bounds check in tile methods for MultiBands and MultiBase classes
  • add tile_exists method in BaseReader (take tms in account)
  • adapt zooms calculation in COGReader
  • add LastBandHigh and LastBandLow pixel selection (ref: cogeotiff/rio-tiler!270)

Deprecated function

  • rio_tiler.reader.tile
  • rio_tiler.utils.geotiff_options
  • rio_tiler.utils.tile_exists

2.0.0b16 (2020-10-07)

  • remove pkg_resources (pypa/setuptools#510)
  • refactor default colormap lookup to use pathlib instead of pkg_resources.

Note: We changed the versioning scheme to {major}.{minor}.{path}{pre}{prenum}

2.0b15 (2020-10-05)

2.0b14.post2 (2020-10-02)

2.0b14.post1 (2020-10-02)

  • add MultiBandReader and GCPCOGReader in init.

2.0b14 (2020-10-02)

2.0b13 (2020-10-01)

  • remove ContextManager requirement for and base classes.
  • move ContextManager properties definition to __attrs_post_init__ method in and (ref: cogeotiff/rio-tiler-pds#21)

2.0b12 (2020-09-28)

  • Make sure Alpha band isn't considered as an internal mask by utils.has_mask_band

2.0b11 (2020-09-24)

  • reduce verbosity in rio_tiler.tasks.filter_tasks exception logging (#266).

2.0b10 (2020-09-15)

  • add post_process callback to rio_tiler.render._read and rio_tiler.render.point to apply specific operation ouput arrays.

2.0b9 (2020-09-09)

  • restore Mkdocs search bar (#255)
  • Allow class (not just instance) to be passed to pixel_selection (#250)
  • Add Binder link/badge to README (#254)
  • Add mkdocs-jupyter to show notebooks in website (#253)
  • Remove deprecated functions (#247)
  • Export modules from top-level package (#246)
  • Allow overwriting colormap with force=True (#249)
  • Pin black version (#251)
  • Add (#242)
  • Add mkdocs config (#240)
  • Add NPY support in rio_tiler.utils.render to save tile in numpy binary format (#256)
  • Remove bare Exception and add more detailed errors (#248)

2.0b8 (2020-08-24)

  • raise specific PointOutsideBounds in rio_tiler.reader.point (#236)

2.0b7 (2020-08-21)

  • allow setting default kwargs in COGReader init (#227)
  • allow vrt_options in COGReader.point
  • add class (#225)
  • refactor to use MultiBaseReader (#225)
  • add rio_tiler.task submodule to share tools for handling rio-tiler's future tasks.
  • fix regex parsing for rio-tiler expression
  • add warnings when assets/indexes is passed with expression option (#233)

Breaking Changes: - replace dataclass wiht attr to support more flexible class definition (see #225)

2.0b6 (2020-08-04)

  • add utils.create_cutline helper (#218)
  • remove any mutable default argument

depreciation - warp_vrt_option is replaced by vrt_options in rio_tiler.reader.part (#221)

2.0b5 (2020-07-31)

  • add more verbosity to mosaic error (#214)

Breaking Changes: - rio_tiler.mosaic.reader.mosaic_reader return ((tile, mask), assets_used) - is now a method instead of a property to align with other reader (#211)

2.0b4 (2020-07-30)

  • add abstract class for COGReader and STACReader to inherit from
  • STACReader raises InvalidAssetName for invalid asset name or MissingAssets when no assets is passed (#208)
  • update rio_tiler.mosaic.reader.mosaic_reader to not use threadPool if threads <= 1 (#207)

Breaking Changes: - Reader.spatial_info is a property (#203) - assets is a keyword argument in STACReader stats/info/metadata

2.0b3 (2020-07-27)

2.0b2 (2020-07-23)

  • add boto3 in the dependency (#201)

2.0b1 (2020-07-22)

  • switch to ContextManager for COG and STAC (,
  • COGReader.part and STACReader.part return data in BBOX CRS by default.
  • STACReader now accept URL (https, s3).
  • add more method for STAC (prewiew/point/part/info/stats).
  • add expression for COG/STAC preview/point/part.
  • add masked option in rio_tiler.reader.point to control weither or not it should return None or a value.
  • remove mission specific tilers (#195).
  • remove rio_tiler.reader.multi_* functions (replaced by*).
  • remove rio_tiler.utils.expression (replaced by expression options in tilers).

2.0a11 (2020-05-29)

  • refactor rio_tiler.utils.tile_exists to allow raster bounds latitude == -90,90

2.0a10 (2020-05-29)

  • Change default resampling to nearest for _read (#187)
  • add rio_tiler.reader.stats (return only array statistics)
  • remove default dst_crs in rio_tiler.reader.part to to fallback to dataset CRS.

2.0a9 (2020-05-27)

  • Refactor colormap and add method to register custom colormap

2.0a8 (2020-05-25)

  • add preview method to

2.0a7 (2020-05-17)

  • allow reading high resolution part of a raster (by making height, width args optional)
  • add max_size option in rio_tiler.reader.part to set a maximum output size when height and width are not set
  • add point and area function in
  • fix width-height height-widht bug in rio_tiler.reader.part

depreciation - deprecated out_window option in favor of window in rio_tiler.reader._read

2.0a6 (2020-05-06)

  • fix unwanted breacking change with img_profiles.get not allowing default values

2.0a5 (2020-05-06)

  • make return Uint16 data and not float32 (#173)
  • rio_tiler.profiles.img_profiles item access return copy of the items (#177)
  • better colormap docs (#176, author @kylebarron)

2.0a4 (2020-04-08)

  • add to retrieve simple file metadata (no image statistics)
  • add band metadata tag info in rio_tiler.render.metadata output
  • add STAC compliant rio_tiler.colormap.apply_discrete_cmap

2.0a3 (2020-03-25)

  • only use transform_bounds when needed in rio_tiler.reader.part

Breaking Changes: - switch back to gdal/rasterio calculate_default_transform (#164). Thanks to Terracotta core developper @dionhaefner. - refactor rio_tiler.utils.get_vrt_transform to get width and height input.

2.0a2 (2020-03-20)

  • Fall back to gdal/rasterio calculate_default_transform for dateline separation crossing dataset (ref #164)

2.0a1 (2020-03-19)

  • added reader.preview, reader.point methods
  • added multi_* functions to rio_tiler.reader to support multiple assets addresses
  • added rio_tiler.utils.has_mask_band function
  • added rio_tiler.utils.get_overview_level to calculate the overview level needed for partial reading.
  • added type hints
  • added scale, offsets, colormap, datatype and colorinterp in reader.metadata output (#158)
  • new rio_tiler.colormap submodule
  • added unscale options to rio_tiler.reader._read function apply internal scale/offset (#157)

Breaking Changes: - removed python 2 support - new package architecture (.io submodule) - introduced new rio_tiler.reader functions (part, preview, metadata...) - renamed rio_tiler.main to - bucket and prefixes are defined in{dataset}_parse function from AWS supported Public Dataset - renamed minimum_tile_cover to minimum_overlap - renamed tile_edge_padding to padding - padding is set to 0 by default. - use terracotta calculate_default_transform (see - colormaps are now have an alpha value - rio_tiler.utils.get_colormap replaced by rio_tiler.colormap.get_colormap - new rio_tiler.colormap.get_colormap supports only GDAL like colormap - replaced rio_tiler.utils.array_to_image by rio_tiler.utils.render - replaced rio_tiler.utils.apply_cmap by rio_tiler.colormap.apply_cmap - replaced rio_tiler.utils._apply_discrete_colormap by rio_tiler.colormap.apply_discrete_cmap - removed histogram_bins and histogram_range in options in metadata reader. Should now be passed in hist_options (e.g: hist_options={bins=10, range=(0, 10)}) - remove alpha band value from output data array in tile/preview/metadata #127

1.4.0 (2020-02-19)

  • Add Sentinel2-L2A support (#137)
  • Update Sentinel-2 sceneid schema (S2A_tile_20170323_07SNC_0 -> S2A_L1C_20170323_07SNC_0)

1.3.1 (2019-11-06)

  • Add warp_vrt_option option for utils.raster_get_stats and utils.tile_read to allow more custom VRT Warping. (ref:
  • Add rio_tiler.utils.non_alpha_indexes to find non-alpha band indexes (ref #127)

1.3.0 (2019-10-07)

  • Allow DatasetReader, DatasetWriter, WarpedVRT input for utils.raster_get_stats and utils.tile_read
  • add minimum_tile_cover option to filter dataset not covering a certain amount of the tile.
  • add Sentinel-1 submodule

Breaking Changes: - need rasterio>=1.1

1.2.11 (2019-09-18)

  • reduce memory footprint of expression tiler
  • fix wrong calculation for overview size in raster_get_stats (#116)
  • Add Landsat 8 QA Band (#117).

1.2.10 (2019-07-18)

  • add more colormap options (from matplotlib) and switch from txt files to numpy binaries (#115)

1.2.9 (2019-07-11)

  • fix issue #113, adds depreciation warning for bounds_crs in favor of dst_crs in rio_tiler.utils.get_vrt_transform

1.2.8 (2019-07-08)

  • Add kwargs options in landsat8.tile, sentinel2.tile and cbers.tile functions to allow resampling_method and tile_edge_padding options forwarding to utils._tile_read.
  • Add Input (bounds_crs) and Output (dst_crs) option to utils._tile_read function (#108)

1.2.7 (2019-05-14)

  • Revert changes introduced in #106 (see #105)
  • Refactor tests

1.2.6 (2019-05-10) - DELETED

  • Use same resampling method for mask and for data (#105)

1.2.5 (2019-05-08)

  • add tile_edge_padding option to be passed to rio_tiler.utils._tile_read to reduce sharp edges that occur due to resampling (#104)

1.2.4 (2019-04-16)

  • add histogram_range options to be passed to rio_tiler.{module}.metadata function (#102)

1.2.3 (2019-04-04)

  • add histogram_bins options to be passed to rio_tiler.{module}.metadata function (#98)

Bug fixes: - return index number with band descriptions (#99)

1.2.2 (2019-04-03)

  • add mercator min/max zoom info in metadata output from rio_tiler.utils.raster_get_stats (#96)
  • add band description (band name) in metadata output from rio_tiler.utils.raster_get_stats (#96)

1.2.1 (2019-03-26)

  • Replace rio-pansharpen dependency with a fork of the brovey function directly into rio_tiler.utils (rio-pansharpen is unmaintened and not compatible with rasterio>=1) (#94).

1.2.0 (2019-03-26)

  • rio_tiler.utils.array_to_image's color_map arg can be a dictionary of discrete values (#91)

Breaking Changes: - expr argument is now a required option in rio_tiler.utils.expression. (#88)

1.1.4 (2019-03-11)

  • Add 'rplumbo' colormap (#90 by @DanSchoppe)

1.1.3 (2019-03-06)

Bug fixes: - Fix casting to integer for MAX_THREADS environment variable.

1.1.1 (2019-02-21)

  • Minor typo correction and harmonization of the use of src/src_dst/src_path in rio_tiler.utils

Bug fixes: - Fix nodata handling in utils.raster_get_stats

1.1.0 (2019-02-15)

  • Allow options forwarding to tile_read from main.tile function (#86)
  • Add resampling_method options in rio_tiler.utils.tile_read to allow user set resampling. Default is now bilinear (#85)

Bug fixes: - Fix nodata option forwarding to tile_read when source is a path (#83)

Refactoring: - Refactor rio_tiler.utils.tile_read to reduce code complexity (#84)

Breaking Changes: - indexes options is now set to None in rio_tiler.utils.tile_read. Default will now be the dataset indexes.

1.0.1 (2019-02-14)

  • Fix mask datatype bug in rio_tiler.utils.array_to_image(#79)
  • Fix nodata handling and better test for the nodata/mask main module (#81)

1.0.0 (2019-02-11)

  • add missing Landsat panchromatic band (08) min/max fetch in rio_tiler.landsat8.metadata (#58)
  • add pre-commit for commit validation (#64)
  • code formatting using Black (the uncompromising Python code formatter) (#64)
  • update documentation (Sentinel-2 cost) (#68)
  • add utils.raster_get_stats and utils._get_stats to replace min_max* function and to return more statistics (#66)
  • add overview level selection to statistical functions to reduce the data download (#59)
  • add pure GDAL array_to_image function to replace PIL tools (#29)
  • add GDAL format output from utils.get_colormap to be used in array_to_image (#29)
  • add GDAL compatible Image creation profile (#29)
  • add max threads number settings via "MAX_THREADS" environment variable (#71)

Breaking Changes: - update metadata structure returned by landsat8.metadata, sentinel2.metadata, cbers.metadata - force sentinel, landsat and cbers band names to be string and add validation (#65) - moved landsat utility functions from rio_tiler.utils to rio_tiler.landsat8 - rio_tiler.utils.landsat_get_mtl -> rio_tiler.landsat8._landsat_get_mtl - rio_tiler.utils.landsat_parse_scene_id -> rio_tiler.landsat8._landsat_parse_scene_id - rio_tiler.utils.landsat_get_stats -> rio_tiler.landsat8._landsat_stats - moved cbers utility functions from rio_tiler.utils to rio_tiler.cbers - rio_tiler.utils.cbers_parse_scene_id -> rio_tiler.cbers._cbers_parse_scene_id - moved sentinel-2 utility functions from rio_tiler.utils to rio_tiler.sentinel2 - rio_tiler.utils.sentinel_parse_scene_id -> rio_tiler.sentinel2._sentinel_parse_scene_id - removed deprecated PIL support as well as base64 encoding function in rio_tiler.utils - rio_tiler.utils.img_to_buffer - rio_tiler.utils.array_to_img - rio_tiler.utils.b64_encode_img - removed deprecated min_max* functions (landsat_min_max_worker and band_min_max_worker)

1.0rc2 (2018-08-22)

  • add test case for pix4d nodata+alpha band data

1.0rc1 (2018-07-16)

  • rasterio 1.0.0

1.0b3 (2018-07-02)

  • add schwarzwald color palette

1.0b2 (2018-06-26)

  • fix nodata (#48)

1.0b1 (2018-06-23)

  • adapt to rasterio 1.0b4
  • fix mask (internal/external) fetching 🙏
  • fix boundless read with new rasterio 1.0b2
  • fix custom nodata handling
  • fix performances issue

Breaking Changes: - removed alpha band options to select a custom alpha band number

1.0a8 (2018-06-20)

  • Fix rasterio version to 1.0b1 (#46 and #44)

1.0a7 (2018-05-14)

  • Support for additional CBERS instruments (fredliporace)

1.0a6 (2018-03-29)

  • Fixes sentinel-2 band 8A regex bug in rio_tiler.utils.expression

1.0a5 (2018-03-26)

  • adds DatasetReader input option for utils.tile_read (do not close the dataset on each read)

Breaking Changes: - utils.tile_band_worker renamed to utils.tile_read - main.tile rgb option renamed indexes - sentinel2.tile, landsat8.tile, cbers.tile rgb option renamed bands - main.tile default nodata mask is handled by rasterio

1.0a4 (2018-03-07)

Breaking Changes: - Refactor rio_tiler.utils.array_to_img to return PIL image object

1.0a3 (2018-02-05)

  • only using read_masks for mask creation when it's needed.

1.0a2 (2018-02-05)

  • add "expression" utility function
  • better nodata/mask/alpha band definition and support

Breaking Changes: - tile functions now return an associated mask (Landsat, Sentinel, CBERS, main) - remove nodata support in utils.image_to_array function - add mask support in utils.image_to_array function - utils.tile_band_worker will always return a (Band, Width, Height) array (e.g 1x256x256 or 3x256x256)

1.0a1 (2018-01-04)

  • remove sub-module (replaced by
  • no default bands value for tiles.

1.0a.0 (2018-01-03)

  • add colormap option in utils.array_to_img
  • add TIR (brightness temps) support
  • add CBERS support
  • add global file support
  • add elevation encoding for mapzen
  • removing internal caching
  • update to rasterio 1.0a12

Breaking Changes: - remove data value rescaling in landsat8.tile and sentinel2.tile - fix wrong lat/grid_square value in utils.sentinel_parse_scene_id - rename utils.sentinel_min_max_worker to utils.band_min_max_worker

0.0.3 (2017-11-14)

  • Fix Sentinel-2 bad AWS url

0.0.2 (2017-10-17)

  • Fix python ⅔ compatibilities in rio_tiler.utils.landsat_get_mtl

0.0.1 (2017-10-05)

  • Initial release. Requires Rasterio >= 1.0a10.