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v1.0 -> v2.0

rio-tiler version 2.0 introduced many breaking changes. This document aims to help with migrating your code to use rio-tiler 2.0.

Python 3 only

First and foremost is the drop of Python 2 support. We are in 2020 and Python 2 is officially dead. For ease of maintenance we decided to remove Python 2 support and to continue with only Python 3. Python 3.6 or later is required.

If you need help moving from Python 2 to 3 check out the official transition documentation.

Type hints

As part of switching to Python 3, we also embraced modern code style with the adoption of type hints. Python 3.6+ has new syntax support for optional "type hinting" -- declaring the type of a variable -- which enables an improved development experience in editors and tools.

This does not require any changes to your code as long as you're using Python 3.6+.

For more information see:

Typing example:

def get_vrt_transform(
    src_dst: Union[DatasetReader, DatasetWriter, WarpedVRT],
    bounds: Tuple[float, float, float, float],
    dst_crs: CRS = constants.WEB_MERCATOR_CRS,
) -> Tuple[Affine, int, int]:

Rasterio >= 1.1.7

Rasterio 1.1.7 or newer is required.

Mercantile -> Morecantile

With Morecantile we can support more than the Web Mercator TMS.

See tms

New submodules

We created revised submodules for working with COGs and STAC:

We now support reading files through a ContextManager to enable accessing the source rasterio dataset.

# v1
from rio_tiler.main import tile as cogTiler
tile, mask = cogTiler('my_tif.tif', 691559, 956905, 21, tilesize=256)

# v2
from import COGReader
with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    img = cog.tile(691559, 956905, 21, tilesize=256)

    print(cog.dataset) # rasterio dataset (returned by
    print(cog.dataset.meta) # rasterio metadata
    print(cog.bounds)       # WGS84 bounds
    print(cog.colormap)     # internal colormap

Expression support is now directly available in the COGReader

with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    tile, mask = cog.tile(691559, 956905, 21, expression="b1/b2")

See COGReader amd STACReader for more info.

Internal API: rio_tiler.reader

Internal tile/data reading functions have been refactored and moved to a new rio_tiler.reader submodule.


In rio_tiler v1 most of the magic was happening in rio_tiler.utils._tile_read. In the version 2, this function is now split in two, rio_tiler.reader.part and, to reduce code reutilisation and to make the code more robust. The part function now takes height and width instead of a unique tilesize to specify the output array size.

# v1
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:
    # get tile bounds and read raster
    mercator_tile = mercantile.Tile(x=tile_x, y=tile_y, z=tile_z)
    tile_bounds = mercantile.xy_bounds(mercator_tile)

    t, m = rio_tiler.utils._tile_read(src_dst, tile_bounds, 256)

# v2
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:
    t, m = rio_tiler.reader.tile(src_dst, tile_x, tile_y, tile_z, 256) # Will check if tile is valid

    # Or
    mercator_tile = mercantile.Tile(x=tile_x, y=tile_y, z=tile_z)
    tile_bounds = mercantile.xy_bounds(mercator_tile)
    t, m = rio_tiler.reader.part(src_dst, tile_bounds, 256, 256)

Options changes:

  • tile_edge_padding -> padding, and set to 0 by default
  • minimum_tile_cover -> minimum_overlap
  • warp_vrt_option -> vrt_options
  • unscale (New): add ability to apply scale and offset to the data (Default: False)
  • force_binary_mask (New): force mask to either be 0 or 255, set to True by default.
  • post_process (New): add post process callback to apply operation on the data and mask arrays.
# v1
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:
    mercator_tile = mercantile.Tile(x=tile_x, y=tile_y, z=tile_z)
    tile_bounds = mercantile.xy_bounds(mercator_tile)
    t, m = rio_tiler.utils._tile_read(src_dst, tile_bounds, 256, tile_edge_padding=4, minimum_tile_cover=0.3)

# v2
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:
    t, m = rio_tiler.reader.tile(src_dst, tile_x, tile_y, tile_z, 256, padding=4, minimum_overlap=0.3)

Alpha band

Since the first version, rio-tiler returns a tuple of (data, mask) in most of the reading function. This design was made early and without thinking about datasets with an alpha channel, which resulted in issues like #126, where a user gets a 4 bands data array + a mask (instead of 3 bands + mask).

In version 2, when no indexes options are passed, we remove the alpha channel from the output data array.

# v1
with"my_tif_alpha.tif") as src_dst:
    t, m = rio_tiler.utils._tile_read(src_dst, tile_bounds, 256, indexes=(1,2,3))

# v2
with"my_tif_alpha.tif") as src_dst:
    # because rio-tiler will remove the alpha band we don't need to use the indexes option
    t, m = rio_tiler.reader.tile(src_dst, tile_x, tile_y, tile_z, 256)


rio_tiler.utils._raster_get_stats has been replaced by rio_tiler.reader.metadata which uses the new reader.part and reader.preview functions. Meaning that now you can get metadata for a specific area by passing a bbox.

To limit the data transfer (with the idea of getting the metadata from the COG overviews) we use the max_size options, meaning the overview_level options have been removed.

# v1
import rio_tiler
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:
    meta = rio_tiler.utils._raster_get_stats(src_dst)

# v2
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:
    meta = rio_tiler.reader.metadata(src_dst)

Options changes

  • removed histogram_bins and histogram_range which should now be passed in hist_options (e.g: hist_options={bins=10, range=(0, 10)})
  • removed overview_level
  • added bounds


The output has also been updated. The new metadata output doesn't return min/max zoom and bounds is return in WGS84 by default.

# v1
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:

> {
    "bounds": {
        "value": [-119.05915661478785, 13.102845359730287, -84.91821332299578, 33.995073647795806],
        "crs": "EPSG:4326"
    "minzoom": 3,
    "maxzoom": 12,
    "band_descriptions": [
        [1,  "band1"]
    "statistics": {
        "1": {
            "pc": [1, 17],
            "min": 1,
            "max": 18,
            "std": 4.418616203143802,
            "histogram": [

# v2
with"my_tif.tif") as src_dst:

> {
    "bounds": [-119.05915661478785, 13.102845359730287, -84.91821332299578, 33.995073647795806],
    "statistics": {
        "1": {
            "percentiles": [1, 16],
            "min": 1,
            "max": 18,
            "std": 4.069636227214257,
            "histogram": [
    "nodata_type": "Nodata",
    "band_metadata": [["1", {}]],
    "band_descriptions": [["1", ""]],
    "dtype": "int8",
    "colorinterp": ["palette"],
    "colormap": {
        "0": [0, 0, 0, 0],
        "1": [0, 61, 0, 255 ],
        "2": [148, 56, 112, 255],


In addition to a new colormap specific submodule rio_tiler.colormap, and colormap holder rio_tiler.colormap.cmap, in version 2, colormaps are now RGBA values.

We also removed PIL colormap compatibility.

# v1
cmap = rio_tiler.utils.get_colormap("viridis", format="gdal")
> [68, 1, 84]

# v2
from rio_tiler.colormap import cmap

colormap = cmap.get("viridis")
> [68, 1, 84, 255]


In version 1, to create an image blob from an array we used the rio_tiler.utils.array_to_image function. We have renamed and slightly refactored the function but it works the same.

# v1
img = rio_tiler.utils.array_to_image(tile, mask, img_format="PNG")

# v2
img = rio_tiler.utils.render(tile, mask, img_format="PNG")

Pydantic models

The .io readers now returns pydantic models hosting the results. This enables easy API definition.

See models

Mission specific changes

Mission-specific tilers have been moved to the rio-tiler-pds package.