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v2.0 -> v3.0

rio-tiler version 3.0 introduced many breaking changes. This document aims to help with migrating your code to use rio-tiler 3.0.

Morecantile 2.0 -> 3.0

Morecantile 3.0 switched from rasterio to pyproj for the coordinates transformation processes ( Morecantile and Pyproj require python >= 3.7 which means rio-tiler had to remove python 3.6 supports.

Bounds and CRS properties

Previously the BaseReader.bounds property was set to the wgs84 representation of the dataset bounds but to accommodate to non-earth dataset we changed this and decided to store the native dataset bounds. We've also added to make sure user can work with the bounds property.

We've added a BaseReader.geographic_bounds, which will return the bounds in WGS84.

# v2
from import COGReader
with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    print(cog.bounds)       # bounds in WGS84

# v3
with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    print(cog.bounds)       # dataset bounds
    assert cog.bounds == cog.dataset.bounds  # bounds should be equal to the dataset bounds
    assert ==

    print(cog.geographic_bounds)  # bounds in WGS84 projection

Note a geographic_crs attribute is available in COGReader and STACReader to control which CRS to use for the transformation from the dataset's CRS. geographic_crs is outside the __init__ method for Abstract Base Classes (e.g BaseReader)

MARS2000_SPHERE = CRS.from_proj4("+proj=longlat +R=3396190 +no_defs")
MARS_MERCATOR = CRS.from_proj4(
    "+proj=merc +R=3396190 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +no_defs"
MARS_TMS = TileMatrixSet.custom(
    title="Web Mercator Mars",
with COGReader(
    tms=MARS_TMS,"+proj=longlat +R=3396190 +no_defs"),
) as cog:

No more max_size

We've removed the default option max_size=1024 in BaseReader.part and BaseReader.feature to return the highest resolution dataset by default.

# v2
from import COGReader
with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    data = cog.part(bbox)
    assert data.width =< 1024
    assert data.height =< 1024

# v3
with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    data = cog.part(bbox) # Can return data > 1024x1024
    data = cog.part(bbox, max_size=1024)  # will return the same result as in rio-tiler v2

Metadata and Statistics

The BaseReader.metadata method has been deprecated in rio-tiler v3. The method was previously returning a combination of the info() and stats() methods responses.

The reader's .stats() methods were also deprecated in favor of the newly .statistics() method which will return more verbose statistics.

# v2
from import COGReader
with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    data = cog.stats(bbox)

>>> {'1': ImageStatistics(percentiles=[1.0, 6896.0], min=1.0, max=7872.0, std=2271.0065537857326, histogram=[[503460.0, 0.0, 0.0, 161792.0, 283094.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 87727.0, 9431.0], [1.0, 788.1, 1575.2, 2362.3, 3149.4, 3936.5, 4723.6, 5510.7, 6297.8, 7084.900000000001, 7872.0]], valid_percent=100.0)}

# v3
with COGReader("my_tif.tif") as cog:
    data = cog.cog.statistics(bbox)

>>> {'1': BandStatistics(min=1.0, max=7872.0, mean=2107.524612053134, count=1045504.0, sum=2203425412.0, std=2271.0065537857326, median=2800.0, majority=1.0, minority=7072.0, unique=15.0, histogram=[[503460.0, 0.0, 0.0, 161792.0, 283094.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 87727.0, 9431.0], [1.0, 788.1, 1575.2, 2362.3, 3149.4, 3936.5, 4723.6, 5510.7, 6297.8, 7084.900000000001, 7872.0]], valid_percent=100.0, masked_pixels=0.0, valid_pixels=1045504.0, percentile_2=1.0, percentile_98=6896.0)}

asset_expression and asset_indexes

In 3.0, we changed how asset_expression was defined in (the base class of STAC like datasets). In 2.0, it was defined as a string (e.g b1+100) and would be applied to all assets and in 3.0 it's now a dict in form of {"asset 1": "expression for asset 1", ...}.

# v2
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        asset_expression="b1*2",  # expression was applied to each asset

# v3
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        asset_expression={"data1": "b1*2", "data2": "b2*100"},  # we can now pass per asset expression

We also added asset_indexes to return specific indexes per asset.

# v2
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        indexes=1,  # first band of each asset would be returned

# v3
with STACReader("mystac.json") as stac:
    img = stac.preview(
        assets=("data1", "data2"),
        asset_indexes={"data1": (1, 2), "data2": (3,)},  # we can now pass per asset Indexes

Type hints

We have moved rio-tiler's custom type definitions from rio_tiler.constants to rio_tiler.types submodules.

# v2
from rio_tiler.constants import BBox, ColorTuple, Indexes, NoData, NumType

# v3
from rio_tiler.types import BBox, ColorTuple, Indexes, NoData, NumType

New types have also been added:

  • DataMaskType = Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]: Tuple holding the data and the mask arrays (mostly used in rio_tiler.readers.* functions)
  • ColorTuple = Tuple[int, int, int, int]: RGBA ColorMap entry
  • IntervalTuple = Tuple[NumType, NumType]: Min/Max interval entry (for colormap or rescaling)
  • GDALColorMapType = Dict[int, ColorTuple]: GDAL compatible colormap
  • IntervalColorMapType = Sequence[Tuple[IntervalTuple, ColorTuple]]: Intervals colormap
  • ColorMapType = Union[GDALColorMapType, IntervalColorMapType]: Supported colormap types


  • method
  • method
  • method
  • property
  • rio_tiler.models.Metadata model
  • rio_tiler.models.ImageStatistics model
  • rio_tiler.reader.stats function
  • rio_tiler.reader.metadata function
  • rio_tiler.utils._stats function