Command-line interface (CLI)
rio-cogeo modules adds a cogeo
sub-command to your rasterio (rio) CLI. Three (3) commands are then available: create
, info
and validate
$ rio cogeo --help
Usage: rio cogeo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Rasterio cogeo subcommands.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
create Create COGEO
info Lists information about a raster dataset.
validate Validate COGEO
$ rio cogeo create --help
Usage: rio cogeo create [OPTIONS] INPUT OUTPUT
Create Cloud Optimized Geotiff.
--bidx, -b Band indexes to copy.
--cog-profile, -p CloudOptimized GeoTIFF profile (default: deflate). [jpeg|webp|zstd|lzw|deflate|packbits|lzma|lerc|lerc_deflate|lerc_zstd|raw]
--nodata Set nodata masking values for input dataset.
--add-mask Force output dataset creation with an internal mask (convert alpha band or nodata to mask).
--blocksize Overwrite profile's tile size.
--dtype, -t Output data type. [ubyte|uint8|uint16|int16|uint32|int32|float32|float64]
--overview-level Overview level (if not provided, appropriate overview level will be selected until the smallest overview is smaller than the value of the internal blocksize)
--overview-resampling Overview creation resampling algorithm (default: nearest). [nearest|bilinear|cubic|cubic_spline|lanczos|average|mode|gauss]
--overview-blocksize Overview's internal tile size (default defined by GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE env or 128)
--web-optimized, -w Create COGEO optimized for Web.
--zoom-level-strategy Strategy to determine zoom level (default: auto). [lower|upper|auto]
--zoom-level Zoom level number for the highest resolution. If this option is specified, `--zoom-level-strategy` is ignored.
--aligned-levels Number of overview levels for which GeoTIFF tile and tiles defined in the tiling scheme match.
--resampling, -r Resampling algorithm (default: nearest). Will only be applied with the `--web-optimized` option. [nearest|bilinear|cubic|cubic_spline|lanczos|average|mode|max|min|med|q1|q3|sum]
--in-memory / --no-in-memory Force processing raster in memory / not in memory (default: process in memory if smaller than 120 million pixels)
--allow-intermediate-compression Allow intermediate file compression to reduce memory/disk footprint.
--forward-band-tags Forward band tags to output bands.
--forward-ns-tags Forward namespaced tags to output dataset.
--threads Number of worker threads for multi-threaded compression (default: ALL_CPUS)
--use-cog-driver Use GDAL COG Driver (require GDAL>=3.1).
--tms PATH Path to TileMatrixSet JSON file.
--co, --profile Driver specific creation options. See the documentation for the selected output driver for more information.
--config GDAL configuration options.
--quiet, -q Remove progressbar and other non-error output.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ rio cogeo validate --help
Usage: rio cogeo validate [OPTIONS] INPUT
Validate Cloud Optimized Geotiff.
--strict Treat warnings as errors.
--config NAME=VALUE GDAL configuration options.
--help Show this message and exit.
The strict
options will treat warnings (e.g missing overviews) as errors.
Using the --config
option can be useful to restrict GDAL environment. By default GDAL will check for external files (such as overviews), which could make a COG invalid. To force GDAL to only consider the input file you can use --config GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN=EMPTY_DIR
$ rio cogeo validate s3://bucket/geo.tif --config GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN=EMPTY_DIR --config AWS_NO_SIGN_REQUEST=YES
(extended version or rio info
$ rio cogeo info --help
Usage: rio cogeo info [OPTIONS] INPUT
Dataset info.
--json Print as JSON.
--help Show this message and exit.
# Create a COGEO with DEFLATE compression (Using default `Deflate` profile)
$ rio cogeo create mydataset.tif mydataset_jpeg.tif
# Validate COGEO
$ rio cogeo validate mydataset_jpeg.tif
# Create a COGEO with JPEG profile and the first 3 bands of the data and add internal mask
$ rio cogeo create mydataset.tif mydataset_jpeg.tif -b 1,2,3 --add-mask --cog-profile jpeg
# List Raster info
$ rio cogeo info mydataset_jpeg.tif
Driver: GTiff
File: mydataset_jpeg.tif
COG: True
Compression: DEFLATE
ColorSpace: None
Width: 10980
Height: 10980
Bands: 1
Tiled: True
Dtype: uint16
NoData: 0.0
Alpha Band: False
Internal Mask: False
Interleave: BAND
Colormap: False
Crs: EPSG:32634
Origin: (699960.0, 3600000.0)
Resolution: (10.0, -10.0)
BoundingBox: (699960.0, 3490200.0, 809760.0, 3600000.0)
MinZoom: 10
MaxZoom: 19
Id Size BlockSize Decimation
0 10980x10980 1024x1024 0
1 5490x5490 128x128 2
2 2745x2745 128x128 4
3 1373x1373 128x128 8
4 687x687 128x128 16